Sony’s latest stumble: An overpriced e-reader

Once again, the Japanese electronics giant has come up with a terrific piece of new technology — a breakthrough product that lots of people might want.

And then it has done its level best to strangle the product in its infancy.


This could be the future of reading. This could be the future of newspapers and magazines. (It’s so much better than trying to read the news on a tiny 6-inch screen, or, indeed, on a tablet). This could be the future of documents.


The only problem? Sony just launched the Digital Paper in the U.S. with a sale price of $1,100.


Yes, the product is good. But I can get an iPad for $400. I can get a Kindle DX — with 3G, and access to’s news and book stores — for $199. I would prefer to have a Digital Paper. But no, it isn’t worth five times as much.

Does Sony have a death wish?

via Sony’s latest stumble: An overpriced e-reader – Brett Arends’s ROI – MarketWatch